The U.S. is the leading industrial power in the world. Industry represents 18.2% of GDP. Its production is highly diversified, technologically advanced and includes the following sectors: petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber and mining.
192 professional associations listed for the United States.
American multisector Business directories
4Wholesale USA - USA wholesale suppliers listed by categories - USA - Directory of companies in the USA
Columbia Chamber - Columbia business directory
Merchant Circle - Multi-sector directory focused on the U.S. market
Openfos - US manufacturers, wholesalers, and suppliers of industrial product or services
Thomas Net - Directory of manufacturers, distributors and service providers in the USA
Zipleaf - Business directory for several countries in the world
Upcoming Trade shows in the United States
January 27th, 2025
Insurance, mutual funds, pension funds - Banks - Investment funds, other financial institutions - Stock Exchange, investments - Financing, aid - Natural resource management, ecology - Pollution - Urban and industrial waste - Water treatment - Recycling
January 27th, 2025
Insurance, mutual funds, pension funds - Banks - Investment funds, other financial institutions - Stock Exchange, investments - Financing, aid - Marketing - Incentive - Aeronautics, aero spatial - Aerospace - Space - Industry service - Commercial property, patents, trademarks - e-commerce
January 27th, 2025
Natural resource management, ecology - Pollution - Urban and industrial waste - Water treatment - Aeronautics, aero spatial - Aerospace - Space - Precision, measures, optics, watches - Raw materials, materials, metals - Materials - Industry service - Maintenance - Embedded systems - Research, innovation - Technique and technology - Earth sciences - Natural sciences - Sciences - Engineering - Air transport, airports - Recycling
January 28th, 2025
Viticulture - Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry - Wines, spirits - Products and services for weddings - Hotels, accommodation - Restaurants, home deliveries - Cafes, bars, nightclubs
January 28th, 2025
Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Real estate - Furnishings, household equipment and arts - Furnishings, household equipment and arts: unspecified - Furnishings - Household equipment - Raw materials, materials, metals - Materials - Raw materials, mines, quarries
January 28th, 2025
Horticulture, forestry, forest - Horticulture - Water treatment - Furnishings - Household equipment - Home and garden services - Home services - Gardens, parks
January 28th, 2025
Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Raw materials, materials, metals - Materials - Raw materials, mines, quarries
January 28th, 2025
Insurance, mutual funds, pension funds - Banks - Investment funds, other financial institutions - Stock Exchange, investments - Financing, aid - Land planning, urban planning - Construction, public works - Natural resource management, ecology - Pollution - Urban and industrial waste - Water treatment - Automobiles, lorries - Automobile manufacturing, lorries - Energy - Renewable energy - Electrical equipment - Software - Embedded systems - Services and business consulting - Accounting, taxation - Management - Translation - Legal - Recycling
January 28th, 2025
Viticulture - Furnishings, household equipment and arts - Furnishings, household equipment and arts: unspecified - Furnishings - Household equipment - Alcoholic drinks - Wines, spirits - Products and services for weddings - Hotels, accommodation - Restaurants, home deliveries - Cafes, bars, nightclubs
January 28th, 2025
Graphic art, desktop publishing - Electricity, electronics - Electrical equipment - Electronic equipment and components - Industry service - Design - Equipment - Software - Networks - Telecommunications - Internet, cybersecurity - Embedded systems - Technique and technology - Engineering
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