Switzerland flag Switzerland: Business Environment

Industrial and commercial standards in Switzerland


National Standards Organisations
Swiss Standards Association SNV (Schweizerische Normen Vereinigung). SNV is the umbrella for all standards and certification organisations in Switzerland.
Integration in the International Standards Network
SNV is a member :

International Standard Organisation (ISO)

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

CEN (European Agency for Standards)

International Communication Union (ITU)

Classification of Standards
The various domains of standardisation along with relevant organisation are mentioned below:

1. Electrosuisse Domains covered: electrical safety standards, electromagnetic emissions

2. SIA   Domains covered: building standards (above and underground construction, cultural aspects, environmental criteria, insulation, air-cond/heating/safety)

3. VSS Domains covered: traffic safety, planning of public and private sector transportation networks, energy efficiency, signalling, safety in tunnels, financing

4. SVGW Sector covered: quality standards of processes and equipment for drinking water and natural gas

5. VSA Sector covered: sewage treatment and water pollution control.

6. DETEC (Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications) Sector covered: telecommunications incl. radio and TV;

7. Swissmem  Sector covered: Industrial machinery such as machine tools, textile machines, packaging machine, power generating and distribution equipment etc.

8. Interpharma  Sector covered: Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals with own research departments

9. SWISSMEDIC Sector covered: Therapeutic products (Swiss government agency similar to FDA in USA).

10. SUVA Sector covered: Occupational safety.

Online Consultation of Standards
Visit the SNV.
Certification Organisations
Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)

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