Spain: Business Environment
As a special measure, olive and seed oils and pastas will be subject to a reduced rate of 5% until 30 June 2024.
Exports and international services provided to non-EU countries are zero-rated. Furthermore, a special reduced rate (0%) applies until June 30, 2024 to basic foodstuffs, including common bread (frozen dough included), bread-making flours, various types of milk, cheeses, eggs, and natural fruits, vegetables, legumes, tubers, and cereals.
Special Tax on Certain Means of Transport (IEDMT) is required when registering a motor vehicle.
The transfer of real estate is also subject to a VAT of 21%, with a reduced rate for private residential property (10%) and individuals not in the VAT system (6% transfer tax).
In the Canary Islands, a specific tax is applied en lieu of VAT (Canary Island General Indirect Tax - IGIC), at a standard rate of 7% (other rates are 0%, 3%, 9.5%, 15% and 20%). In Ceuta and Melilla, a sales tax is applied instead of VAT.
A gift and inheritance tax is levied on the assets' net acquisition value with progressive rates (which may vary according to the region, generally between 7.65% and 34%). A tax is applied on gaming income.
Taxes beyond CIT, like business and professional activities taxes (excluding withholdings), are deductible expenses if they're recorded as such due to their nature. Sometimes, indirect taxes such as non-deductible VAT or transfer tax can be included in asset values for depreciation purposes. Penalties for tax non-payment and late filing/payment surcharges or other tax violations are not tax-deductible.
Tax losses can be carried forward indefinitely, but generally not carried back. There are no specific tax loss categories like operating or capital. Companies with a turnover under EUR 10 million can reduce their taxable income by up to 10% by creating a reserve for levelling off tax losses, capped at EUR 1 million, and reversible within five years. Tax losses can offset future positive income, with the offset limit depending on the company's prior 12-month net turnover. If under EUR 20 million, losses can offset up to 70% of the tax base. For turnover between EUR 20 million and EUR 60 million, the limit is 50%, and for turnover over EUR 60 million, it's 25%. However, up to EUR 1 million in tax losses can always be offset without limit. These limits do not apply if the company is dissolved, except in tax-neutral restructurings, or if the income comes from debt relief or deferral agreements with creditors. Complex rules may restrict the use of tax-loss carryforwards after company restructuring or a change in shareholders.
Tax incentives are provided for R&D (25%, or 42% if the expenses are higher than the average R&D expenses incurred by the company during the previous two years) and technological innovation of existing products (12% of the costs). An additional tax credit of 17% can be availed of for staff expenses incurred for staff exclusively carrying out and qualified to carry out R&D activities. Special tax treatment is also given to venture capital companies and funds.
The employer contributes 30.48% of the employee’s wages for social security (24.18% for common contingencies, 5.5% for unemployment, 0.2% for the salary guarantee fund, and 0.6% for professional training), plus a contribution for professional contingencies ranging between 1.5% and 7.15%, depending on the type of activity. The maximum monthly contribution base is EUR 4,720.50 in 2024.
A 3% tax applies to specific digital services (such as online advertising, online intermediary services, and data transmission) provided to users in Spain. Taxpayers include entities, whether Spanish tax residents or not, whose total income in the previous tax year exceeds EUR 750 million, or whose income from digital services in Spain exceeds EUR 3 million. For entities in a corporate group, thresholds are determined collectively.
For 2023-2025, a temporary energy levy is imposed on key players in the energy sectors and on individuals or entities engaged in crude oil or natural gas production, coal mining, or oil refining in Spain, with some exceptions. Set at 1.2% of net turnover from activities in Spain for the preceding year, it has to be paid in advance and was non-deductible for CIT purposes. The levy could not be passed on economically, directly or indirectly. For CIT tax groups, the net turnover comprised the total turnover of the group's member entities.
In 2023-2025, the temporary levy on credit institutions and financial credit institutions applied to those operating in Spain whose combined interest income and commissions for 2019, as per their accounting rules, totaled EUR 800 million or more. For CIT tax groups, the income included the sum of all group entities' incomes. The levy, set at 4.8% of the net interest income and commission income and expenses from Spanish activities, was paid in advance and not deductible for CIT. It couldn't be economically passed on.
Other taxes include: real estate tax (levied annually by the local authorities), a local tax levied on the increase in the value of urban land (applied at the time of the sale of the urban real estate), a motor vehicle tax, and waste collection fees.
Spain | OECD | United States | Germany | |
Number of Payments of Taxes per Year | 9.0 | 10.1 | 10.6 | 9.0 |
Time Taken For Administrative Formalities (Hours) | 143.0 | 163.6 | 175.0 | 218.0 |
Total Share of Taxes (% of Profit) | 47.0 | 41.6 | 36.6 | 48.8 |
Source: Doing Business, Latest available data.
Tax Base | Progressive rates from 9.5% to 22.5% Please note that the local rate resulting from the table approved by the relevant Spanish region must be applied, so the final tax rates may in practice vary according to the region where the individual is resident. |
From EUR 0 to 12,450 | 9.5% (+9.5% local tax) |
From EUR 12,450 to 20,200 | 12% (+12% local tax) |
From EUR 20,200 to 35,200 | 15% (+15% local tax) |
From EUR 35,200 to 60,000 | 18.5% (+18.5% local tax) |
From EUR 60,000 to 300,000 | 22.5% (+22.5% local tax) |
Above EUR 300,000 | 23.5% (+23.5% local tax) |
Savings tax | 19% tax is levied on savings income up to EUR 6,000; 21% on savings income between EUR 6,000 and EUR 50,000; 23% on savings income up to EUR 200,000; 27% on savings income up to EUR 300,000; 28% on savings income above EUR 300,000 |
Wealth tax (on the assets held by the taxpayer as of 31 December) | Progressive rates from 0.2% to 3.5% (may vary according to the regioal governments' regulations). |
Temporary solidarity wealth tax (on individuals with a net worth exceeding EUR 3 million) |
1.7% for a net worth over EUR 3 million and up to EUR 5,347,998.03; 2.1% for a net worth over EUR 5,347,998.03 and up to EUR 10,695,996.06; 3.5% for a net worth exceeding EUR 10,695,996.06 |
Several allowances are provided by the law for individuals (EUR 5,550, raised to EUR 6,700 for those over 65s and to EUR 8,100 for those over 75s) and families (varying according to the composition of the family). The descendant allowance varies: EUR 2,400 yearly for the first child, EUR 2,700 for the second, EUR 4,000 for the third, and EUR 4,500 annually for the fourth and beyond. Additionally, there's a EUR 2,800 yearly allowance for each descendant under three years old. A minimum family allowance for the disability of relatives in an ascending and descending line of EUR 3,000 for each relative or EUR 9,000 when the level of disability is 65% or more also applies. Click here to check the specific allowances that apply in different regions.
The expenses incurred to realise a business income can generally be deducted. Several reductions apply to the net business income.
Capital losses arising from transfers of assets are included in savings income and can only be offset against capital gains included in the savings income of the tax period.
For further information, visit the dedicated pages on the website of the Spanish Tax Authority.
The income tax is not levied on employment income obtained by tax-resident individuals if the work is effectively carried out outside Spain and if the work is carried out for a company, entity or permanent establishment which is not resident in Spain for tax purposes and a similar tax is levied in the country where the employee carries out the work (up to the limit of EUR 60,100).
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