The distribution network in Madagascar
- Evolution of the Sector
According to a 2018 report by Kantar TNS, the retail sector accounts for 44% of the Malagasy market. In fact, consumers in Madagascar still prefer to shop from small local stores, which reach a penetration level of 97% (people shopping there at least once every month). Traditional market places have a much lower penetration rate (around 20% - the main names being Analakely, Isotry, Anosibe and Andravoahangy).
Proximity is the most important purchasing factor for Malagasy consumers, together with prices. The big supermarket chains generally apply a higher commercial margin with respect to developed countries as a result of the lower economies of scale and competition. The main chains are French (Score, Leader Price, Supermaki), South African (Shoprite), Chinese (Horizon Ivato/Sogecoa), and Mauritian (Courts).
In the future, supermarkets are expected to keep growing, increasing their proximity level with the opening of new outlets, and thus their market share.
- Market share
Although there are no exact figures about retail market share, the main supermarket chains in Madagascar include:
- Retail Sector Organisations
Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar (GEM)
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