Capital: Jakarta
Total Population:
Natural Increase:
147 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population:
Population of main cities:
Jakarta (9,607,800); Surabaya (2,765,500); Bandung (2,394,900); Bekasi (2,334,900); Medan (2,097,700); Tangerang (1,798,600); Depok (1,738,600); Semarang (1,520,500); Palembang (1,440,700); Makassar (1,331,400); Tangerang Selatan (1,290,400)
Ethnic Origins:
In Indonesia there are more than 300 ethnic groups, the main ones being the Javanese (42%), the Sundanese (about 15%), the Malay (around 3.5%), the Madurese (a little more than 3%), the Batak (3%), as well as the Minangkabau, the Betawi, the Bugis, the Papuans. Among the minorities of non-Indonesian origin are the Chinese, Indians and Arabs.
(Statistics Indonesia).
Official Language:
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
Other Languages Spoken:
There are about 700 languages. The most commonly spoken are Javanese (70 million), Sundanese (20 million), Madurese (9 million) and Malay (15 million). English is also spoken.
Business Language(s):
Muslims 87%, Protestants 6%, Catholics 3%, Hindus 2%, Others 2%.
Literacy Rate:
Local Time:
It is %T:%M %A In Jakarta
It is %T:%M %A In Denpasar
It is %T:%M %A In Jayapura
Exchange Rate on
National Currency: Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
Country Overview
1,916,907 km²
Type of State:
Indonesia is a unitary republic made up of 35 provinces, 1 autonomous province, 1 special region, and 1 national capital district, based on parliamentary democracy with a Presidential form of government.
Type of Economy:
Lower-middle-income economy, Emerging Financial Market.
Largest economy in Southeast Asia
HDI (World Rank):
Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.
Telephone Code:
To call from Indonesia, dial 00 or 008
To call Indonesia, dial +62
Internet Suffix:
2.0 per 100 Inhabitants
Telephone Lines:
15.5 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users:
15.4 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity:
96% of the Population
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Latest Update: February 2025