Advertising and marketing in Denmark
Marketing opportunities
- Consumer Profile
The median age in Denmark is 42.3 years. The population is slightly ageing but this should stabilise in the coming years. The population growth rate in 2021 was 0.4%. Around 28.3% of the population is under 25 years old while 33.6% is over 55 years old (Data Reportal, 2022). On average, a household is composed of 2 people and this number is decreasing while the average was 2.2 people in 2007. Some 44% of households are people living alone and 43% are couples with or without children (Eurostat, 2020). The gender ratio is 99 men for every 100 women with 88.4% of the total population living in urban areas in 2022 (Data Reportal, 2022). Concentration points of the population are mainly along the coast and in the east of the country. The main city is Copenhagen, where the population of the wider urban area was 1.34 million inhabitants in 2022 (Statistics Denmark). The level of education in the country is high with 82% of people aged 25 to 64 having a secondary education, and 40.4% of people of the same age have a tertiary education (OECD, 2020). Some 27.5% of the active population are working as professionals, 18.5% are technicians, 18.4% are service and sales workers, 10.2% have elementary occupations, 7.4% are craft workers, 6.4% are clerical support workers, 4.9% are plant and machine operators, 2.7% are managers, and 1.4% are agricultural workers (Eurostat, 2021).
- Purchasing Power
The GDP per capita PPP is USD 60,229 in 2020 (World Bank). The average salary of a full-time worker is DKK 44,513 per month (Statistics Denmark). Household purchasing power has been on the rise in recent years. The adjusted annual disposable household income is estimated USD 33,774 (OECD). According to Statistics Denmark, a decreasing part of the income of Danish households is spent on food, beverages and tobacco, while an increasing part is spent on almost everything else. Consumer spending on food and beverages represent 11% of total consumer spending, while housing (including rent and heating) account for 23.3% of total consumer spending (Statistics Denmark, 2020). The Gini index on income inequality is slightly below the European average and remains stable. Men earn on average DKK 46,157.97 a month while women earn only DKK 40,661.93 (Statistics Denmark, 2020). People working in the provinces of Kobenhavns Omegn and Nordsjëlland have the highest wages, while those working in the Bornholm and Fyn provinces have the lowest wages.
- Consumer Behaviour
Denmark is a consumer society. Thanks to the high purchasing power and the good quality of life in the country, consumers are generally attracted by quality and innovative products. Danish consumers are among the most demanding consumers in Europe. New technologies and rapid access to information allow consumers to evaluate before making a purchase. It is not uncommon for consumers to inquire about a brand or product before going to the store. To attract consumers, it is often necessary to create a shopping experience in-store or mall. Consumers are increasingly buying online the main reasons being to avoid till queues, traffic or even stockouts. Consumer confidence, which had been on the rise in recent years, dropped drastically in 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis. E-commerce has largely normalized in the country, with 5.77 million internet users (Data Reportal, 2022). Consumption on online sites is growing, with the value of online sales of local Danish online retailers amounting to DKK 132.9 billion in 2021 (Statista). The most-purchased products online are (in order of importance) fashion, electronics and media, games and toys, food and furniture. Foreign products are generally welcomed, but Danish products will often be preferred, as well as international products with a long-established brand in the country.
In general, consumers are relatively open to new products and brand loyalty is achieved primarily through good customer service and branding. Denmark is one of the most advanced countries in terms of new technologies and the use of social networks has an impact on consumption. According to a Deloitte study 61% of consumers say they are influenced by recommendations on social networks and 44% by people doing product placement (influencer). The protection of user data on the internet is an important issue in Denmark.
The consumption habits of the Danes are changing with environmental awareness. The country is among the first countries to have promoted organic products. Behaviours are increasingly adapting to responsible consumption for the planet but also for its health benefits. The food sector is the most marked with many consumers considering food like medicine. Transparent, sustainable, ethical, labeled, fresh, plant-based products are increasingly consumed. Also, consumers generally seek to reduce their waste, to consume a minimum of products with additives. The number of vegetarians and vegans is increasing but there is also an increase in flexitarianism especially among young people (reducing its consumption of meat and fish to consume only quality). The second-hand market is already developed in the country and becoming increasingly important. The products bought and sold range from electronics, furniture, fashion and vehicles. Second-hand shops exist but the use of websites and applications largely favours this market. The collaborative economy is progressing in Denmark, with the development of platforms for the rental of housing or for carpooling.
- Consumers Associations
Taenk Forbrugerraadet , The Danish Consumer Council (in Danish)
Danish Consumer Ombudsman
European Consumer Centre (ECC) , The European Consumer Centre in Denmark
- Main Advertising Agencies
Association of Danish Advertising Agencies
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