Capital: Prague
Total Population:
Natural Increase:
136 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population:
Population of main cities:
Prague (1,324,300); Brno (381,400); Ostrava (288,000); Pilsen (174,900); Liberec (104,800); Olomouc (100,700); České Budějovice (94,500); Hradec Králové (93,000); Ústí nad Labem (92,800); Pardubice (91,800)
Official Language:
Czech is the official language of The Czech Republic.
Other Languages Spoken:
Many young people, especially those living in urban areas, also speak English. According to a recent survey, 27% of Czechs speak some English and 12% are considered fluent. German and Russian are common second languages amongst older Czechs.
Business Language(s):
Mostly Czech. English translators are available for complex business negotiations.
Predominately without religion (68% of the population). 92% of the religious population is Christian, including 83% Catholic and 9% Protestant.
Local Time:
It is %T:%M %A In Prague
Exchange Rate on
National Currency: Czech Crown (CZK)
Country Overview
78,871 km²
Type of State:
The Czech Republic is a parliamentary, democratic and pluralist republic.
Type of Economy:
High-income economy, OECD member, Ex-Transition country, Emerging Financial Market.
An economy based almost exclusively on the automobile industry and tourism.
HDI (World Rank):
Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.
Telephone Code:
To call from the Czech Republic, dial 00
To call the Czech Republic, dial +420
Internet Suffix:
27.4 per 100 Inhabitants
Telephone Lines:
19.9 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users:
75.0 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity:
100% of the Population
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Latest Update: February 2025