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Industrial and commercial standards in Cyprus


National Standards Organisations
CYS, Cyprus Standards Organization
Integration in the International Standards Network
Due to its accession to the European Union in 2004, technical standards and specifications in Cyprus have shown increasing conformity with the European standards. The organization defining technical standards is the CYS (Cyprus Organization for Standards and Control of Quality). CYS is linked to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism. It is an affiliate member of three main European Standards organizations: the CENORM (European Standardisation Committee), the CENELEC (European Committee for Electro Technical Standardization) and the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). It is also a member of the ISO (International Standardisation Organisation).
Classification of Standards
Cyprus has adopted more than 15,000 European Standards since its accession to EU membership.
First of all, in terms of standardization, Cyprus has to respect EU rules and directives and then additional National rules can apply in the field of standardization. One of the good example of a EU standardization is CE marking which is compulsory for certain types of products.
To have an overview of the Standardization process in the European Union, consult the european website dedicated to it: New Approach.
Online Consultation of Standards
The standards catalogue is available on the Cyprus Organisation for Sandardization website.
Certification Organisations
CYCERT Cyprus Certification Company

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