Capital: Nicosia
Total Population:
Natural Increase:
144 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population:
Population of main cities (including suburbs):
Limassol (101,000); Strovolos (67,900); Lefkosia (55,100); Larnaca (85,900)
Ethnic Origins:
The Republic of Cyprus is divided into two parts, the Greek part (around 99%) under the control of the Republic of Cyprus, and the Turkish area in the North (about 1%). Other ethnic groups also inhabit the island (e.g. Armenians). Nicosia retains the distinction of being the last divided capital in the World. Over 99% of Greek Cypriots now live in the Republic of Cyprus, while over 99% of Turkish Cypriots live in Northern Cyprus. (
Statistical Service of Cyprus)
Official Language:
Greek and Turkish
Other Languages Spoken:
English is widely spoken. French and German are also spoken within the tourism industry.
Business Language(s):
English, French, German
Greek Orthodox 78%, Muslim 18%, Maronite, Armenian Apostolic and other 4%.
Literacy Rate:
Local Time:
It is %T:%M %A In Nicosia
Exchange Rate on
National Currency: Euro (EUR)
Country Overview
9,250 km²
Type of State:
Cyprus is a Republic based on parliamentary democracy. The internationally recognized government is the one that controls the southern two-thirds of the island named "Republic of Cyprus". The Northern one-third is Turkish-occupied and is only recognized internationally by Turkey since 1983. It is called "the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus".
Type of Economy:
Well developed economy, member of the European Union and Eurozone (the application of the european legal framework is suspended in the north part), with great potentials in attracting foreign investment.
A liberal economy with favourable business laws and high potentials of development; Unemployment rate among the lowest in Europe; extreme dependence on tourism.
HDI (World Rank):
Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.
Telephone Code:
To call from Cyprus, dial 00
To call Cyprus, dial +357
Internet Suffix:
30.9 per 100 Inhabitants
Telephone Lines:
33.1 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users:
61.0 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity:
100% of the Population
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Latest Update: September 2024